MR004ME Influence Line Apparatus Mechanical Training Equipment Teaching Equipment
This equipment is for mechanical engineering department or mechanics engineering department in university, it’s for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Solid Mechanics major and other mechanics related department.
The equipment is used for studying the reactions under various conditions of load at all supports along a three-span bridge. It is to be used with Universal Structural Frame.
The bridge has a cantilever end sections and a suspended center section. The location of the supports is adjustable.
The supports are vertical force supports for measurement of loads. The deflection of the bridge can be measured by dial indicators.
Instruction manual is also included.
II.Typical Experiments

Influence lines for supports and internal reactions due to a load moving across the beam structure.
The effect of loads to bridge support reactions and internal reactions between the cantilever and suspended sections.
III.Technical Data
Structure: aluminum
Bottom with adjustable rubber to adjust the height.
The total weight is less than 200kgs.
Working environment: -10℃~40℃, Humidity<85%
Bridge: End span length : 2 ea. 250 mm, Center span length : 150 mm
Vertical Force Supports 4
Rolling loads 2
Dial Indicators 2
Vertical Force Load Cell and Force Indicator with digital output instead of Vertical Force Supports