MR006M Bench Pressure Sensors Regulated Version Educational Equipment Mechatronics Trainer Sensor Training workbench
The picture is only for reference
Minimum required characteristics: Objectives: Understanding of the different pressures measured - Absolute pressure / Relative pressure / Differential pressure . Study and comparison of different sensor technologies pressure . Study of a pressure regulation loop Main Features Compressed air supply with regulator. Air regulator with isolation valve. Differential pressure transmitter with 4-20 mA feedback on safety data sheets. Assembled with two valves isolation valve and a balancing valve (manifold system). Stainless steel compression enclosure. Relative pressure 4-20 mA transmitter and valve isolation. 4-20 mA absolute pressure transmitter and valve isolation. Needle pressure gauge, isolation valve. Reference absolute pressure 4-20 mA transmitter with isolation valve. Vent valve. Solenoid valve proportional allowing pressure regulation on the escape Manual vacuum pump. Configurable electronic indicator. PID configurable electronic regulator. Electrical box including: • A padlockable disconnector for energizing the cabinet. • An electronic indicator. • A configurable PID electronic regulator. • Signals available on ø4 safety sheets: - 4-20 mA signals from pressure transmitters. - Input of configurable indicators. - Controller output and measurement signalsThe picture is only for reference Minimum required characteristics: Objectives: Understanding of the different pressures measured - Absolute pressure / Relative pressure / Differential pressure . Study and comparison of different sensor technologies pressure . Study of a pressure regulation loop Main Features Compressed air supply with regulator. Air regulator with isolation valve. Differential pressure transmitter with 4-20 mA feedback on safety data sheets. Assembled with two valves isolation valve and a balancing valve (manifold system). Stainless steel compression enclosure. Relative pressure 4-20 mA transmitter and valve isolation. 4-20 mA absolute pressure transmitter and valve isolation.
Needle pressure gauge, isolation valve. Reference absolute pressure 4-20 mA transmitter with isolation valve. Vent valve. Solenoid valve proportional allowing pressure regulation on the escape Manual vacuum pump. Configurable electronic indicator. PID configurable electronic regulator. Electrical box including: • A padlockable disconnector for energizing the cabinet. • An electronic indicator. • A configurable PID electronic regulator. • Signals available on ø4 safety sheets: - 4-20 mA signals from pressure transmitters. - Input of configurable indicators. - Controller output and measurement signals