MR014ME Virtual Work Mechanical Experiment Equipment Didactic Equipment
This equipment is for mechanical engineering department or mechanics engineering department in university, it’s for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Solid Mechanics major and other mechanics related department.
This equipment is used for measurement of shear force on a section of a beam from which comparison with theoretical values can be made. It is to be used with Universal Base Frame.
An elastic beam is supported at both ends by one moment support and one built-in / knife edge support. Moment support permit the application and measurement of moment and rotation. A vertical force support, is used for the case of two span continuous beam. A clamp on moment application device with a mean to counter balance the device weight is provided to apply a pure moment and measure rotation. The beam is loaded by weights. The deflection and slope of the beam can be measured by dial indicators..
Instruction manual is also included.
II.Typical Experiments
Principle of virtual work
Beam deflections

Shape of a deflected beam.
III.Technical Data
Structure: aluminum
Bottom with adjustable rubber to adjust the height.
The total weight is less than 200kgs.
Working environment: -10℃~40℃, Humidity<85%