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Fire Alarm Didactic Bench Teaching Education Equipment For School Lab Electronic Circuit Trainer  

Item No.: MR371E
Fire Alarm Didactic Bench Teaching Education Equipment For School Lab Electronic Circuit Trainer  

MR371E Fire Alarm Didactic Bench Teaching Education Equipment For School Lab Electronic Circuit Trainer 
Metal Structure mobile on wheels
Power Supplies protected by a differential circuit breaker, with emergency stop.
The power supply control circuit must be in SELV
The dynamometer consists at a minimum  of the following components:
A fire detection central to two areas at least
1 Manual Trigger
A light block evacuation

An alarm siren
An automatic detector smoke
A detector automatic heat
Stand-alone Block security lighting 60 lumens at minimum
NB: All components must be compatible between them
The bench must allow at least the wiring and the setting of the  central fire alarm and its accessories
NB: All terminals must be postponed on safety bushings.
The configuration of the various detectors
The simulation and testing of programs
The configuration of the various types of enslavement
The identification of the different components of a fire alarm
Electrician tools