MR-F9092 Fluid Properties & Hydrostatics Bench educational equipment teaching didactic equipment fluid mechanics lab equipment 1. Description
The Fluid Properties and Hydrostatics Bench is designed to demonstrate the properties of fluids and their behaviour under hydrostatic conditions (fluid at rest).
This enables students to develop an understanding and knowledge of a wide range of fundamental principles and techniques, before studying fluids in motion.
The equipment is mounted on a steel-framed bench fitted with castors. A variety of measuring devices is incorporated, either fastened to the back of the bench or free-standing.
Water is stored in a polythene tank situated on the lower shelf of the bench.
The water can be transferred by two positive displacement hand pumps, either to an elevated open storage tank connected to a number of glass tubes for free surface studies, or to a plastic sink recessed into the working surface so that benchtop experiments may be conducted without spillage.
All excess water is returned to the storage tank via the sink drain. 2.Demonstration Capabilities
The provision of practical instruction exercises demonstrating the principles of fluid mechanics, in particular:
Understanding the properties of fluids:
Determining the density, specific gravity and viscosity of different liquids
Observing the effects of capillarity
Understanding the effects of static pressure:
Demonstrating that the free surface of a static liquid is horizontal
Studying the effect of flow on a free surface
Measuring changes in liquid level
Studying the relationship between intensity of liquid pressure and depths
Determining the position of the centre of pressure on a plane surface
Studying the operation and application of pressure gauges and manometers:
Using a direct reading mercury barometer (mercury not supplied)
Measuring air and water pressure using manometers
Comparing results obtained from various devices