Type: didactic enabling: The simulation of faults (insulation faults with the possibility of changing the insulation resistance and the contact resistance) The study of the influence of the quality of grounded outlet, The simulation of the faults of a short-circuit: (between phase and neutral, between two phase) as well as the simulation of the first and second fault (case of regimes TN and IT) The highlighting of selectivities and chronometric Ammeter, The highlighting of reasons of decrees, regulations and standards in force on the protection of persons in the regimes TN, TT, and IT Power Supply : by three-phase network: 400V 50Hz Power: minimum 2KVA Two isolating transformers included in the offer. Each bench include below items: Three receivers mono and three-phase protected by circuit breakers magnetothermiques of different curves, Earth leakage circuit breakers, Differential switches, Contactors. Receivers with different voltages tolerated limits (12V, 25v, 50V) The means of protection and control of the bench (mains supply circuit breakers, earth leakage circuit breakers, permanent insulation controller,etc. ), must be industrial type. Power resistors, A base protected by transparent panels equipped with security contact. Set of cables Mobile Kit to search for faults The specific accessories for connecting and operating (cords of various lengths )