MR297E Selectivity Educational Equipment Vocational Training Equipment Electrical Engineering Training Equipment
Carry out the tray of study of the selectivity of protections distributions in low voltage highlights the concepts of selectivity and ammeter chronometric. It allows The use of a relay adjustable differential with a torus separates the causes and the effects of currents of short-circuits, their modes of calculations and the choice of the protections The principles and the operating characteristics of a mains supply circuit breaker The use and the trace of a trip curve for a particular size The simulation of situations of selectivity power total partial and non-selectivity The study of the concepts of selectivity to2 or 3 floor and their consequence and effects on an installation The choice of the impedance of the fault loop by the chokes of modular values The presentations simplify of the cut by the electric arc in very low voltage and the limitation of the short-circuit current.