MR449E Stand For Laboratory Work "The Study Of The Synchronous Generator (Characteristics Of Idling, Short Circuit, Parallel Operation With Network)" Electrical Engineering Lab Equipment Educational Equipment

Educational laboratory stand is designed for study of construction, principle of operation, operational characteristics of synchronous motor and synchronous generator.
Constructively the stand consists of body, where electrical equipment, electronic boards, frontal panel and tabletop of integrated worktable and of motor unit are installed. The motor unit includes one direct current motor and drive winding synchronous motor.
The bench can be supplemented with electrical machinery unit on the basis of electric motors of small (90 W) or large (0.55 kW) power.
The following items are installed inside the body:
pulse-width converter designed for control of direct current motor, which is used as driving motor and static load;
three-phase adjustable load module designed for creation of active and active-inductive load of synchronous generator;
measuring system designed for measuring and displaying of investigated characteristics of motor/generator (current, voltage, electric power, velocity, mechanical moment).
The following items are installed on the frontal panel:
direct current motor controllers;
synchronous generator’s motor controllers;
starting/controlling equipment controllers;
three-phase adjustable load controllers;
measuring system indicators;

switching jacks;
USB-connector for PC connection.
Software and methodical documentation supplemented to the stand:
methodical and technical documentation set intended for academic staff;
software designed for stand operation.
The stand allows carrying out the following laboratory works:
1.Investigation of synchronous generator no load characteristic E0=f(Iex).
2.Investigation of synchronous generator short-circuit characteristic Is-c=f(Iex)
3.Investigation of synchronous generator no load characteristic U=f(I), Iex= f(I), U=f(Iex) with various load types.
4.Investigation of synchronous generator power-angle diagram P=f(δ), U=f(δ).
5.Investigation of synchronous generator U-shaped curve I=f(Iex).
6.Synchronous generator connection to network by means of self-synchronizing method.
7.Investigation of three-phase synchronous generator in parallel with network.
8.Investigation of mechanical characteristic of synchronous motor n=f(M).
9.Investigation of synchronous motor power-angle diagram P=f(δ), M=f(δ).
10.Investigation of running characteristics of synchronous motor M=f(P2), P=f(P2), I=f(P2).

11.Investigation of synchronous motor U-shaped curve I=f(Iex).
Complete set of "Synchronous electric motor and generator with MPCS":
laboratory stand;
machine unit;
set of jumpers;
USB 2,0 AM-BM cable;
CD-R with accompanying documents;