MR016 Zmpermeability/Fluidisation Studies Apparatus educational equipment teaching vocational training equipment fluid mechanics lab equipment DEMONSTRATION CAPABILITIES
pressure drop measurements and correlations for flow throughpacked bedsverification of Kozeny’s equationcharacteristics of a liquid fluidised bed measurement of permeability of selected solids attrition tests TECHNICAL DETAILS
• Sample tube I/D: 38mm
• Sample tube length: 507mm
• Flow meter range: 50-800ml/min
• 0.5m waterdifferential manometer
• 0.5mMercury manometer ORDERING SPECIFICATION
• Apparatus to verify Darcy’s Law,to examine Kozeny’s equation and toobserve liquid fluidisationbehaviour ofa granular bed.
• Equipment consists of a metalframework, constant head tank andtransparent test section for observation.Flow is indicated by a Rotameter.
• A 0.5m water differential manometerand 0.5m Mercury manometer are included for pressure drop acrossthe bed.
o Height: 0.79m
o Width: 0.68m
o Depth: 0.25m